Who the Hell is This Guy?

Proof Carlos lived in Florida

This is Carlos “Navas” Gonzalez. Looks weird, right? Anyway, Carlos was born in Tampa, Florida. Growing up, originally he was thinking he was going to be an archaeologist, or a paleontologist. Everything changed when he stepped on stage for the first time. Eventually the time came for college and at the same time he realized this: He hated Florida. So when applying for colleges, he applied in places with the exact opposite climate while also focusing on great theater education. With nothing but a dream, he applied and got in to New York University! In his time at NYU, he did his primary training at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting and his advanced training at Stonestreet Studios. It was at Stonestreet where he felt in his element, both writing and acting. This is where he is now, living and working out of NYC.

Carlos loves Kirby!

So? What’s His Deal?

This is not Florida.

His ‘deal’ is pretty simple. Growing up, he spent a lot of his free time watching cartoons and playing video games (and he still does). While he was spending his time this way, he was listening to iconic voice actors. This is Carlos’s inspiration to do what he does. These iconic characters were brought to life by the voice actors and they had a huge part in shaping his childhood. All Carlos wants to do with his career is give that back; give back that same inspiration and joy to other people that he felt as a child.